Romero & King’s Creepshow is a masterwork of style, tone, and scares.
All in TFS Halloween
Romero & King’s Creepshow is a masterwork of style, tone, and scares.
Scream 4, because of its status as a sequel and a remake, deserves a second look.
The Gate offers kid friendly scares that will still get under your skin.
Tobe Hooper embraces the dark and wacky comedy in his second film with Leatherface and his family.
A tale told straight from a 17th century Puritanical pamphlet.
There have been three adaptations of Shirley Jackson’s beloved novel, Mark looks at why two soared while the other failed.
This sequel may be Shapeless but it maintains the spirit of Carpenter.
The Changeling offers a mature look inside the horror genre, especially when dealing with the concept of personal loss.
Alucarda is unlike most horror movies you have seen, but it has a lot to say, particularly about religion, to the point of sacrilege.
How this small horror film managed to become a lasting, cult classic.
Romance is dead in the classic My Bloody Valentine.
A bleak tale of ultimate evil awaits in this Carpenter classic.
The old meets the new, in this '80s vampire movie staple.