We Forgive You: Episode 16 - Horny Moaning Myrtle — Talk Film Society
We Forgive You: Episode 16 - Horny Moaning Myrtle

We Forgive You: Episode 16 - Horny Moaning Myrtle

Your hosts Sara (@sarasorrentino) and Alex (@tweetnandez) set their sights on Harry Potter, you nerds! Listen as they dive into what they call the worst Potter film of them all, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. They talk Potter nerdom, bad direction by returning-to-the-podcast director Mike Newell, long hair, wands, and the lengths of Harry Potter books. If you’re into this stuff, you’re in for a treat. If you’re not, well, still listen, please. Or, what are you, a Slytherin? (Is that right, I don’t know.)

We Forgive You: Episode 16 - Horny Moaning Myrtle
Sara Sorrentino
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