TFSPod: Episode 76 - Da 5 Bloods, Wolfwalkers — Talk Film Society
TFSPod: Episode 76 - Da 5 Bloods, Wolfwalkers

TFSPod: Episode 76 - Da 5 Bloods, Wolfwalkers

Marcelo (@MarceloJPico) talks two great movies with three great guests on this episode in a continuing series on the films of 2020. First, guest Ryan Oliver (@ryollie90) talks Spike Lee’s Da 5 Bloods and how it’s THE movie of 2020. Then, on the next segment, guests Brendan Foley (@TheTrueBrendanF) and Brendan Agnew (@BLCAgnew) talk Wolfwalkers, the new Cartoon Saloon animated film that’s one of the most visually stunning films of the year flatout.

TFSPod: Episode 76 - Da 5 Bloods, Wolfwalkers
Marcelo Pico
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