Talk Film Society, Assemble!: Episode 16 - Spider-Man: Homecoming
What better time to revisit the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe than now? And who better to host our MCU retrospective than Sara (@SaraSorrentino) and Sam (@SamShotFirst)? Here, they welcome Aaron (@ahendrix9600) onto the show to discuss Spider-Man: Homecoming. Is this the best Spider-Man movie ever? (According to someone on this show, yeah, they think so.) What is up with the Uncle Ben thing? And, Aunt May doesn't have to be so elderly, you know. All that and more, as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man gets discussed in this episode!
If you ask us, these were the best. If you didn’t ask us, well, sorry here are the best, I guess.
This podcast is eligible for Best Original Screenplay.
Where we find out Southland Tales is an Alan Wake.
The glitz, the glamour, the snubs, the flubs, the Emilia, the Pérez!