Steve 'N Destroy: Episode 23 - Submerged — Talk Film Society
Steve 'N Destroy: Episode 23 - Submerged

Steve 'N Destroy: Episode 23 - Submerged

This week, the boys find themselves submerged in a full motel bathtub, holding a very slippery toaster oven. James hosts a high-stakes game of “What Steven is This?”, where the loser is forced to watch a randomly chosen Seagal movie from the past.

Dylan shocks the world by pulling out a visit from Steven’s Forum Friends. And hey, if you don’t want to see a ragtag team of homophobes save the world, why are you watching a Steven Seagal movie?

Don’t forget to send us hate-mail at!

Steve 'N Destroy: Episode 23 - Submerged
Steve 'N Destroy
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