Steve 'N Destroy: Episode 22 - Into the Sun
This week, James and Dylan fly into the sun and enjoy the sweet, painless release of death. We’re invincible. They can’t touch us anymore. Treat your ears to a hip new game “The Foreigner or Foreigner”, that we’re already receiving word sucks and everyone hates. Steven Seagal pulls out the worst one-liner we’ve seen in weeks. Don’t forget to write your congressperson and tell them #SaveStevenDestroy.
And hey, while you’re at it, send us hate-mail at!
If you ask us, these were the best. If you didn’t ask us, well, sorry here are the best, I guess.
This podcast is eligible for Best Original Screenplay.
Where we find out Southland Tales is an Alan Wake.
The glitz, the glamour, the snubs, the flubs, the Emilia, the Pérez!