Seequels: Episode 24 - Stomp the Yard: Homecoming — Talk Film Society
Seequels: Episode 24 - Stomp the Yard: Homecoming

Seequels: Episode 24 - Stomp the Yard: Homecoming

Your hosts Sara (@SaraSorrentino), Ale (@Sick__66), and Shak (@ShakExcellence) go back in time to fight crime with Timecop 2—no wait, no… they actually watched Stomp the Yard: Homecoming, the 2010 direct-to-video sequel to the 2007 original. So, what’s to like about this film centered around a step competition? Well, just listen to the episode and hear the Seequels Gang try to salvage this experience.

Seequels: Episode 24 - Stomp the Yard: Homecoming
Sara Sorrentino
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