Oh Welles: Episode 12 - F for Fake
Mike (@mumbles3k) and Max (@JMaxHegel) are watching all of Orson Welles’ directorial efforts leading up to The Other Side of the Wind, the director’s new film set to be released over 30 years after his death. Here they discuss the final film Orson Welles directed before his death, F for Fake. The film, which might also be called F is for Fake or About Fakes or Truths and Lies, is a peek into an alternate future, one in which Welles lived and continued to make experimental films like this one (which we might see in his next film). Is this another masterpiece from Welles, or another mess? Listen and decide amongst yourselves!
If you ask us, these were the best. If you didn’t ask us, well, sorry here are the best, I guess.
This podcast is eligible for Best Original Screenplay.
Where we find out Southland Tales is an Alan Wake.
The glitz, the glamour, the snubs, the flubs, the Emilia, the Pérez!