Keanu Believe It: Episode 30 - The Matrix Reloaded — Talk Film Society
Keanu Believe It: Episode 30  - The Matrix Reloaded

Keanu Believe It: Episode 30 - The Matrix Reloaded

Fans had to wait four long years to see what became of Neo after embracing his destiny as The One, and we’re sure the wait between Matrix episodes of our all Keanu podcast has been just as painful. Well, the wait is over! Sam (@samshotfirst) is joined by Brendan Foley (@TheTrueBrendanF) and Shak Lambert (@ShakExcellence) for a deep dive into The Matrix Reloaded. Much more divisive than the first film, both among movie lovers and the people on this episode, Reloaded saw The Wachowskis swing big, both in terms of action and storytelling—making it a fascinating film to watch and discuss.

Keanu Believe It: Episode 30 - The Matrix Reloaded
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