Keanu Believe It: Episode 26 - The Watcher — Talk Film Society
Keanu Believe It: Episode 26 - The Watcher

Keanu Believe It: Episode 26 - The Watcher

Would you believe me if I told you that Keanu Reeves once played a serial killer who tormented James Spader? Well, it’s true! The movie is called The Watcher and it’s about as much of a misfire as you’d expect. Fortunately, it’s so absurd and ill-conceived that it’s a hell of a lot of fun to talk about. That’s where your host Sam (@samshotfirst) and his returning guest Adrian Torres (@YoAdrianTorres) come in! Listen as they try to make sense of this bizarre thing that is technically a movie.

Keanu Believe It: Episode 26 - The Watcher
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