It Pod to Be You: Episode 91 - Creed
Hello, romantics! Your host Manish (@vertigay314) continues the Sports Romance miniseries with 2015's Creed! A sequel/reboot of the Rocky franchise the film takes the series back to its roots. He welcomes back Ned Baker (@nednednedned) back to the podcast for this crowd-pleasing epic. Featuring a compelling romance between Michael B. Jordan and Tessa Thompson, captivating fight sequences, and a twist on the underdog story, Ryan Coogler's sports movie is a modern classic.
A wonderful podcast where you will discover the funny side of life's every moment.
The Friday the 13th series ends with 12 movies. 12 movies!? Come on…
We come to this place for podcasts about ghosts.
A family-friendly Dan Aykroyd Ghostbusters movie?
From the original to Romulus, we're going to spending this episode in S P A C E !
Would much rather stay at The Day House.
Big Apple? More like Big Machete!
Meet the new blood, same as the old blood.
Everyone who listens to the end of this episode will receive $10,000. (Not really.)