It Pod to Be You: Episode 50 - Titanic
Hello Romantics and happy 50th episode to It Pod to Be You! To celebrate this massive milestone, your host Manish (@TheManish89) puts on a massive show, with multiple guests talking the biggest film of all time: James Cameron’s romance-drama-disaster film Titanic starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. The guests are Greg Mucci (@ReelBrew), Adriana Gomez-Weston (@WriteIntentions), Carlos Ojano (@OneInchBarrier), Saleha (@Salandthebadpun), Jason Schultz (@adrycoolwit), Amrita Rajan (@amritaIQ), Zita Short (@Zita_Short), Dave Giannini (@darnthatdave), Erin E. Fraser (@erinefraser), Divesh Bhrambhatt (@dvshrrr), Megan Kearns (@OpinionessWorld), and Matt Curione (@TheRealMattC)!
A wonderful podcast where you will discover the funny side of life's every moment.