Dream a Little Deeper: Episode 5 - Bambi
Alex’s research got away from her again this week, and thus goes into detail on the production history of Bambi, from animation reference research and techniques to adaptational changes, as well as reactions to the film upon release. Harrison goes in on Thumper and the issues with Disney films overall he represents. Alex ponders the eternal question “is skunk gay?” Harrison once again criticizes the film’s pacing. Our hosts also examine why this movie hates parents, emotional manipulation in Disney films, the effectiveness of the film’s conservationist intentions, sudden tonal shifts, the role of women as depicted in the film, and an off-puttingly thicc owl.
Follow the show on Twitter @DreamDeeperPod, Alex on twitter @alex_isaak and instagram @alexisaak_, and Harrison on Twitter @Play_Champion. You can also email the show at dreamalittledeeperpod@gmail.com
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