Dream a Little Deeper: Episode 11 - Lady and the Tramp — Talk Film Society
Dream a Little Deeper: Episode 11 - Lady and the Tramp

Dream a Little Deeper: Episode 11 - Lady and the Tramp

This week, the podcast goes to the dogs as our hosts discuss Lady and the Tramp. Alex digs into the various stories of the film’s origins and the rest of the obstacles faced by the film, including the disagreements between Walt and Lady and the Tramp’s lead concept artist. Morgan provides some additional insight on Disneyland’s opening and how close it actually was to abject failure. Alex digs into the shared aesthetic roots of Disneyland and Lady and the Tramp. Harrison gets really excited as Alex explains Cinemascope and its effect on Lady and the Tramp’s production. Moving on to the discussion section, Harrison struggles to articulate why he finds the film boring. Both Harrison and Alex are floored by the level of racism on display in this film. Tazmyn live reacts to the Siamese cats and provides her interpretation of their depiction, while Alex brings in some context for anti-Asian sentiments in the US at the time.

Follow the show on Twitter @DreamDeeperPod, Alex on Twitter @alex_isaak and instagram @alexisaak_, and Harrison on Twitter @Play_Champion. You can also email the show at dreamalittledeeperpod@gmail.com

Dream a Little Deeper: Episode 11 - Lady and the Tramp
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