Dream a Little Deeper: 20 - The Fox and the Hound — Talk Film Society
Dream a Little Deeper: 20 - The Fox and the Hound

Dream a Little Deeper: 20 - The Fox and the Hound

For what is the final Xerox era Disney film, Alex takes a look at the declining state of Disney in popular perception overall, not just for animation. Disney scrambles to recover, and makes a bunch of attempts to return to form and save costs. Alex and Terra clown on how bad the opening of this movie is, while offering slight praise at how even the good parts of the film are middling at best. Terra complains about the visual fidelity of the Disney+ version of the film. All of our guests talk about how sad the movie is and how that disincentives watching it. Alex doesn’t care about the Todd/Copper relationship, while Terra brings a queer reading to their pairing. Terra highlights some weirdness surrounding the film’s depiction of parenting and teaching younger generations, which our guest Jenna expands on with an exploration on Big Mama as a black stereotype. Alex finds Widow Tweed fairly well rounded and adjusted. We end with updated rankings of the movies so far and Terra nervously outlines their research process.

Originally recorded March 12th, 2022.

Dream a Little Deeper: 20 - The Fox and the Hound
Alex Isaak
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