Dream a Little Deeper: 18 - The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh — Talk Film Society
Dream a Little Deeper: 18 - The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

Dream a Little Deeper: 18 - The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

Disney released two movies in 1977, so Alex focuses on animation department politics and Winnie the Pooh facts in this episode, and saves wider company stuff for the next one, because god forbid we have an episode with a light history section in it. While this episode features multiple guests, Elise McGouran has so much to say about this movie we should have just recorded the discussion with her, that’s how much Alex has to edit her in. Much like with Sleeping Beauty, Terra and Alex cover so much ground that this would be far too long an episode description. They do spend a lot of time on adaptational changes, metatextual gags and narrative, and take a divergence into discussing sequences that are eerily reminiscent of military propaganda within Disney’s secret fifth package film.

Originally recorded February 6th, 2022.

Listen to all of Dream A Little Deeper: Season 2 on our Patreon now: patreon.com/talkfilmsociety

Dream a Little Deeper: 18 - The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
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