Cinema To The Letter: Crimes of the Future (2022) (N for New Hard Sci-Fi)

Cinema To The Letter: Crimes of the Future (2022) (N for New Hard Sci-Fi)

Art takes guts, especially in a plastic-soaked nightmare future! For the N for New episode of this season's Hard Sci-Fi theme, Thomas & Bryan are discussing the latest film from David Cronenberg Crimes of the Future! Together, they'll answer the crucial questions. How does an older filmmaker truly embody modern-era dread? What animal is Kristen Stewart channeling through her unique performance? Which flavors do plastic bars come in? Well, sit back in your weird digestion bone chair and listen to find out!

Join our Patreon for $1 for monthly bonus episodes and the chance to vote for new podcasts at! Follow us @cinema2letter on the socials! Artwork by Michelle Kyle! Music by Burial Grid!

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Check out the back catalog!

Cinema To The Letter: I, Robot (2004) (E for Egregious Hard Sci-Fi)

Cinema To The Letter: I, Robot (2004) (E for Egregious Hard Sci-Fi)

Monsters Never Die: Psycho Special

Monsters Never Die: Psycho Special