Talk Film Society's Movie Resolutions for 2017 — Talk Film Society
Talk Film Society's Movie Resolutions for 2017

Talk Film Society's Movie Resolutions for 2017

2016 was certainly a year to remember with regards to events and releases in the film world. As the year draws to a close, we here at Talk Film Society wanted to provide you with our 2017 resolutions with regards to cinema. We will be posting our respective top ten lists in the coming weeks (and a preview of what to look forward to in the new year tomorrow), but in the meantime, here is what some of us are making a personal goal to achieve in the coming months.


Marcelo Pico

Having recently purchased the full year package of FilmStruck, while also receiving an Apple TV for Christmas, my resolution is watching as many new-to-me films from that service. Seems a little vague, sure, but I feel like I can always expand my horizons on various film genres from musicals to noirs. If I dedicate myself to at least watching 1-2 films from FilmStruck a week, I can come out of 2017 a whole lot better. I’m in desperate need of more foreign films in my life, and while we’re at it, Akira Kurosawa’s filmography is one hill I need to climb. With FilmStruck, I think I can accomplish a lot of what I need to as a film lover.    

Rob Trench

My resolution is to finish watching everything in the 1001 Films You Must See Before You Die book. That was my 2016 goal and I kinda forgot and only made it 10% through, but now I've made it through over half the current list, so already on a good path. I also am resolving to read one book on cinema for every two films I watch, because I am severely behind on that and want to enrich my knowledge beyond a visual standpoint.

Nick Isaac

I would like to tackle:
- A 'Sight and Sound'-esque list of my favorite films of all time
- As the resident writer on Short Films, try and watch 365 shorts this year
- A chain of 52 movies I've never seen before, each one connected by an actor from the previous film
- More Southeast Asian, Indian and South American movies, at least 2 a month

Harrison Brockwell

2017 is the 10th anniversary of Jerry Seinfeld's magnum opus Bee Movie. As far as my favorite animated movies go, Bee Movie sits near the top. Honestly, there is no better way to celebrate this momentous occasion than to watch this glorious achievement no less than once a month, as that is the only way to properly appreciate the masterful filmmaking on display.


Sean Beattie

I resolve to do less rewatching and to do more watching. Art house, foreign, non-blockbusters. Expand my film horizons.

James Barrett

I am going to eat a Blu-ray copy of CloverfieldRed Dragon style. DO YOU SEE?!







Marcus Irving


My only movie resolution for this next year is to get out to see more new movies. I saw the least new movies I've seen in years in 2016, and I can't let that happen again.

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