Welcome to the New Talk Film Society — Talk Film Society
Welcome to the New Talk Film Society

Welcome to the New Talk Film Society

Where to begin…

First off, I’d like to thank everyone who donated to our Indiegogo campaign to help get this site off the ground. It gave us what we needed to get the domain, server space, etc. Also, just knowing that there are people out there showing support has given us the necessary motivation to deliver you something pretty special.

How did we get here, anyway? Let’s go back three years ago, to when I started the Tweet Film Society on Twitter. After seeing countless numbers of society, guilds and critics groups announce their annual awards, I thought it would be great if film fans on Twitter could choose their own best of the year. Thus, the Tweet Film Society Awards (#TFSAwards) were born. We ended up giving the Best Film Award to Spike Jonze’s Her that first year, subsequently our Best Film Award has gone to Boyhood and Mad Max: Fury Road, respectively.

In 2014, I changed the name of the Tweet Film Society to the Talk Film Society as to not deal with any future legal issues from Twitter itself. Apparently, the word “tweet” is copyrighted, and I knew I wanted to this little community to grow.

The Talk Film Society – Seal of Approval began and soon after that I started the Talk Film Society Podcast. I’ve branched out to do four other podcasts of which I’ve edited and released over 130 episodes spreading across our tiny little podcast network.

It has all led to this.

When I first envisioned a website, I wanted TalkFilmSociety.com to be the perfect home for all of our podcasts. I believe it is, but there is potential for something more.

The Talk Film Society is expanding to the written word. Articles, recurring columns, reviews and so much more. We’ve gathered a cavalcade of talented people. Much like the Twitter account and our podcasts, the TFS mission statement will be clear for everything you read here. A multitude of opinions by people who are, first and foremost, film fans.

I’d like to thank our Managing Editor, and Hey Watcha Watchin’? co-host, Matt Curione for sticking with me through the Indiegogo campaign, to recruiting our writers and finally getting us to the finish line. I’d also like the thank Associate Editor Rob Trench for ensuring we have plenty of great work for you all to read today and for, hopefully, a long time to come.

There are so many people I have to thank, and that time will come, but for now I’d like to thank you, the reader. I’m beyond happy that the Talk Film Society has a website we can be proud of and I can’t wait to show you want we have in store for you. 

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